It’s Just A Job

“It’s just a job.”

I didn’t think my eyes could roll back any further the first time I heard someone say this. Not only did I feel like it discredited everything I had just described, but it also came from someone who owned several homes, each more expensive than the previous. How could someone who was so out of touch even begin to understand?

We live in a society that bases much of our personality on what we do for a living. Much of our worth is based on our work ethic. Many generations before us took great pride in unused vacation days and 50+ hour work weeks.

So – just a job? How could it be just a job?

Turns out it is. While there are careers that shed light on who we are as people; those who dedicate their lives to causes close to their hearts, those who express themselves through art, or even those who are always looking to get ahead no matter who they hurt in the process. Those are the lucky ones. Most of us are just out here working to live, selling our time and services for some vacation days, a paycheck, and health care. Just work. Just a job.

Jobs Taking A Toll

Did you know the average person spends 90,000 hours at work during their lifetime?

We stay in jobs we’re not happy in for security. However, there are a number of ways to make a living. I think we get caught in patterns, putting limitations on ourselves because we don’t know any different. Even if you got your degree in X, doesn’t mean you can’t work in Y. Think of all the transitioning teachers!

Or, think about all the people who complain about being stressed from work. I can’t imagine there’s a shortage of it. Think of all the sleepless nights caused by tasks at work. All the drama. Think of the effects that stress has on your body. We give these jobs so much power over our lives. If you’re going to let your career consume you, at least let it be something you’re passionate about.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t work or take pride in your work (unless you can afford not to, then live your life). However, it’s important to recognize you are so much more than your career. If you died tomorrow, the company would have a job posting within weeks. Respectfully, you are so replaceable at your job. Unless you’re getting paid big money to work overtime, give your best during the workday and leave it there. There will always be work to do, but there’s so much life to live. And that, for some reason, is so much easier to put on the back burner.

So, if you find yourself feeling sick to your stomach every time you start your commute to work, remember that it’s just a job. There are jobs on jobs on jobs out there and if you don’t think where you’re at is a good fit, try something else. Life is too short to be miserable at your desk.

Sincerely, someone who got off the hamster wheel and quit her job. Stay tuned. 🙂

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